We all have that one hostel experience we remember solely for the fact that something about it was awful. Whether it was the atmosphere, the location, the staff, the lumpy beds or unclean bathrooms. More times than not it’s the people staying there that make a hostel so great and leave you with lasting memories, but every now again you come across that one person that has no hostel etiquette and ruins the fun for everyone. Here are some simple ways to not be that person.
1. If you had to open the door, then please close it behind you. Be mindful of your roommates. You are already sharing a room with other people, so make sure you close the door so you don’t have to share it with the entire hostel. This is also a great way to ensure the security of your stuff. If you leave the door open, you never know who might wonder in.
Barney's Hostel in Da Nang, Vietnam
2. If you have to leave early in the morning, pack your backpack up the night before. There is almost nothing worse than being woken up in the morning by someone packing his or her backpack. Of course you try and be quiet, but chances are, as a backpacker, you have plastic bags. The sound of plastic bags crumpling in the early morning or zippers that never seem to end is a sure way to piss off your roommates. You just made friends with these people, treat them as such.
iSanook Hostel in Bangkok, Thailand
3. Be mindful of your when and where. Obviously a hostel is not a library and it’s awesome when someone puts on music or starts a drinking game. However everyone may not be feeling as rambunctious as you at that moment. If you’re in your dorm room put in headphones while listening to music or engaging in a YouTube k-hole. If you want to drink and get a party started, most hostels have a fun common area or outside patio made just for that reason; enjoy yourself and make sure you have plenty of cold beer.
Primaluna Hostel in Palomino, Colombia
4. Pick up your trash and clean your dishes. Finding a hostel that has a nice kitchen is sometimes a rarity. This is a guaranteed space that literally everyone is going to take advantage of. Leave your dishes, pots & pans, the way you found them and if you were unfortunate enough to find them dirty, than be the bigger person and help out the next backpacker who is going to use them. Your mom is not backpacking with you and is certainly not going to do your dishes for you.
The Prince Albert Hostel in Nelson, New Zealand
5. It’s courteous to check in with your fellow roommates before turning off the light. *Unless its 11pm, than shut that bad boy off. This one is pretty self-explanatory. A lot of hostels now and days provide every bed with its own reading light and outlet, so if its late in the night don’t feel bad about turning the room light off. If you don’t have your own reading light than check in with your roommates and make sure everyone is ok with turning the lights off.
Obi Hostel in Tokyo, Japan
6. Piggybacking off number five, if you come back from the bars at 2am, don’t turn the room light on, use your cell phone flashlight. This one is a no-duh, but you would be surprised at how many people do it anyways. Yes, you’re drunk, we all know and we are just as proud of you as you are of yourself. We understand you are going to make a little bit of noise getting into or finding your bed after a wild bar crawl, but please use your cell phone for guidance and let everyone else sleep.
Retox Party Hostel in Budapest, Hungary
7. If you’re going to hook-up in your bed either make sure you have a privacy curtain or you’re the only ones in the room. Otherwise shower move the party to the shower, they're just as fun. We have all been there and we are all as guilty as the next person. What can we say? We are young and looking for a good time. If you’re going to do it, make sure you’re not putting on a show for your roommates. Close your privacy curtain and keep your moaning to yourself.
Supertramp Hostel in Cusco, Peru
8. Be mindful of how much space your backpack takes up. Don’t block the latter to the top bunk with your backpack and don’t hang your towel or sweaty clothes on the latter. All of us backpackers have this amazing ability, that as soon as we check into our room, our stuff somehow ends up everywhere else besides our backpacks. Try and keep it at least around your backpack and not all over the floor. Nobody wants to walk on, or have to crawl up a latter full of dirty underwear or a wet towel.
Kokopelli Hostel in Paracas, Peru
9. If people are sleeping than head to the restroom or hallway to spray on your Axe deodorant or perfume. We are not in Jr. High or at a club. We are sure you smell good, but at 9am the last thing you want to wake you up (besides plastic bags) is an Axe bomb to the face.
Hostel Wasabi Bed & Library in Osaka, Jaoan
10. Be nice to the staff and follow the rules. Are some hostel rules stupid? Yes. But chances are, the staff did not make them up, the owner did. Chances are also just as good, the owner is not there to be the one enforcing them. Understand the staff is just doing their job. Be nice and level with them. They absolutely have the ability to make your stay even better (and will do so) if you are nice to them. If you have a complaint, express it on your Hostel world, Trip advisor, or Google maps review. Owners take reviews (bad ones especially) seriously and you leaving one will get your point across.
Barney's Hostel in Da Nang, Vietnam